jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Checking your Written exam

Hi guys! Below you can find a document with the ISE Controlled Written Performance Descriptors 2011, that is, the document the examiners use to check tour written exam. It is a good idea that you check it: that way you know which are good ideas. If you have any question, please ask your English teacher at IES Albert Einstein. Good Luck: ISE Controlled Written Performance Descriptors 2011 (1)

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

ISE Syllabus 2010-2013

Here you can find all the important information about the ISE exams. Go to the level that you are interested in (e.g. ISE 1) and read carefully about the diffrent parts of the exam. Those of you who are interested in ISE 1 can go to page 32 and check the Language Requirements for this level: it will help you prepare your portfolio. ISE Syllabus 2010-2013 (1)

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

A Brief Overview

Trinity’s Integrated Skills in English (ISE) examinations assess all four language skills — reading, writing, speaking and listening — interacting with each other as they do in the real world.

The are  five different levels
  • ISE 0 is at level A2, the second stage of the Basic User level of the CEFR
  • ISE I is at level B1, the first stage of the Independent User level of the CEFR
  • ISE II is at level B2, the second stage of the Independent User level of the CEFR
  • ISE III is at level C1, the first stage of the Proficient User level of the CEFR
  • ISE IV is at level C2, the second stage of the Proficient User level of the CEFR.

There are 3 components (click on the image to have a larger view):
The percentages for each component (for ISEI and ISEII) are as follows (click on the image to have a larger view):

The examiner assesses the candidate’s performance by selecting one of four levels of performance and
awards a letter grade, A, B, C or D. In simple terms, these levels can be classified as follows:
A — Distinction (reflects an excellent performance)
B — Merit (reflects a good performance)
C — Pass (reflects a satisfactory performance)
D — Fail (reflects an unsatisfactory performance).



Bienvenidos al blog del IES Albert Einstein para preparar los exámenes del Trinity College London. Como seguramente sabréis desde el anterior curso académico (2010-2011) nuestro centro está acreditado para ofrecer los exámenes de esta prestigiosa institución británica. Este tipo de exámenes (referenciados con el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas -MCER-) ofrecen la posibilidad de acreditar un determinado nivel de conocimiento y uso de la lengua inglesa y de que éste sea reconocido por universidades, centros educativos y empresas del mundo entero. Animamos pues a nuestro alumnado de 4º de ESO y de Bachillerato a matricularse y prepararse para estas pruebas que tendrán lugar durante el tercer trimestre del presente curso. En este blog iremos subiendo todo el material necesario y complementario para la preparación de las diferentes partes del examen. Recuerda que para cualquier duda siempre puedes preguntar a tu profesor o profesora de inglés.

Ánimo y Suerte!